Audi Hungaria established a modern logistics infrastructure to ensure smooth production operations. Integrated smart solutions, such as modern automated guided systems and vehicles, along with digital tools support the logistics processes. The internal material flow is controlled so that only those parts that are directly required for production are made available. This eliminates costly intermediate stores, and productivity increases as a result. Environmentally protective rail transport is the primary mode for basic materials, parts, finished engines and automobiles. The new rail network installed as part of the plant expansion is eight kilometers (5.0 mi) long. The railway inside the plant grounds was lengthened by 30 percent. Audi Hungaria has continuously expanded the logistics infrastructure in recent years. The company inaugurated its second logistics center with an area of 80,000 square meters (861,112.8 sq ft) in 2015. Also added were a new bridge and an additional incoming goods hall.
9027 Győr, Audi Hungária út 1.
Registered by the Court of Győr as Commercial Court
Company registration number
Cg. 08-10-001840
+36 96 66 1000
+36 96 66 1001